Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Dec 10, 2013

I woke up to find out we had a snow day and I was very excited for some reason. I can take off any day I want as a sub. I don't get paid if we have off so I shouldn't be excited. Anyway, I met Ryan at the gym when we finally were both up and did my best hand stand thus far. We did some more jump rope circuits and then more hand stands at the end. We went to Kawa for sushi after gymning.

The snow wasn't even that bad, but it was nice to have off. Ryan and I went to his house and threw the disc to Anya a bit and then went to play some more Mario 3D.

I went over to Jen's house for the first time since she moved/had her last 2 kids. Maeby and Micah spent most of the time sitting on my lap and looking through books and playing with my camera. We just sat there and played for a while while the grown ups talked. I also got a brownie for the road that was delicious.

The sunset was really nice in the farmland on the way home. I went home and got a shower, had some food, and chilled out for a short time before heading back out again.

I went up to Barnes and Noble at Rowan and browsed the books. I found quite a few that I am interested in so I took some notes. I sat reading for a little while and then Gaby met me to get a tea and walk around campus. Really we just walked down to Westby because I wanted to look around.

Things looked about the same but still different. I went into the darkroom to show her how that works and wandered the gallery and computer labs for a while. I got on the computer and showed her some of my photos and things that were up at my show then played a quick game of hangman before I showed her the darkroom and then headed back out into the cold and back home.

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