Sunday, April 24, 2011

Apr 24, 2011

After sleeping in a bit, Ryan came over and we went for a walk in the old neighborhood behind Reick Avenue. We encountered the same stream we used to jump across when we were younger, but it had gotten a bit wider so we found a better way across. It was a good walk around the area and it was nice to see the old trails again.

I went to my mom's for Easter food. Sarah and Ken were there as well for the feast. After the main meal there were a lot of desserts to choose from, but I was so full I just had a peanut butter egg and stopped. It was a good meal and I got my bike on the way home from the storage unit. Gotta get that fixed soon.

It was too nice outside to stay inside so I went to the lake and found a nice spot to sit and read Into the Wild. It makes me want to take to the road and just live out of my car. Maybe someday.

It started raining later, but it was still warm so I decided to go out for a run in the rain. I got pretty wet while running, however when I came back and went out for a walk is when it started to really pour. It felt really nice to walk in the pouring rain.

I walked up to High Street and took some photos of the reflections on the road while it rained and then when the rain stopped. The only problem is the water that gets on the lens.

I came home and dried off, did some writing and watched some things before getting to bed.

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