Thursday, April 21, 2011

Apr 21, 2011

I actually got to class on time and then sat through two long presentations that took up the majority of the session. Keith did a short lesson after we asked questions of the groups.

I went with Joanna to get food at the caf, where they had a decent veg pad thai. After I filled up on that I went to class and spent some time altering my image to be printed on a transparency so it could then be transferred to my steel. The printer was not working properly so I couldn't get the print done today, but I did get a few people to come down to shoot in the balloon pit.

Later was the graphic design opening so I joined the hundred other people that were there for all twelve designers' show. There was a lot of good work on display; mostly posters and package designs.

In the room across the hall, the portfolio of each student was laid out to give a better understanding of their body of work. They were really nicely done.

The many boxes of wine were easily drained somewhat early in the night. It's a good thing we had a secret stash.. We hung out in the gallery room for a while when Cait and her friends got there. After a while people were all leaving so we followed suit.

Christy and Elaina came down to the box so I could shoot them, but even after I was done they stayed in there playing. It really is a lot of fun.

I went back to Alex's with her and then Cait came back from the bar with her friends and we ordered food. I got this giant panzarotti for some reason and ate about a fifth of it.

It felt like a long day, but that could partially be from staying up until 4am.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

you forgot about nap time.