Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Apr 13, 2011

Gym time with Ryan in the morning. We did a few circuits of exercises that wore me out a bit. I go so infrequently I'm not sure anymore if they're exhausting exercises or if I'm just a lazy ass.

After showering and getting pretty I went up to the Student Center where GSA's mock gay wedding was getting into gear. I shot people setting up and getting ready for the ceremony.

The ceremony began in front of a less-than-packed audience and the wedding party came down the aisle, followed by the brides.

After a brief speech about love and the usual, the brides were pronounced married and then presented to the audience and walked off down the aisle. It was a pretty short ceremony.

The reception took off upstairs and we got some Lady Gaga on the speakers and then got to the eating portion. There was only a little bit of vegetarian food, but the hummus was awesome.

I got a (rain)bowtie and kept shooting photos as people danced and ate. We had a really good time celebrating.

The usual wedding things happened, like the throwing of the bouquets, the garter belt thing and even line dancing. The cake cutting was the most anticipated event of the evening as Keith made it and it was delicious.

There were bubble everywhere, as people got them on their seats as souvenirs. People shuffled out after a while, but we stuck around for quite a while listening to Glee songs and dancing. It was a lot of fun.

A group of us went to Peking Buffet for dinner. I hadn't been to a buffet in quite sometime and I'm still not that good at eating a lot. The food was really good though and we laughed a lot about stupid things.

I went with Leah to the High Street opening of Jenny's class's photographs. There were some really good shots, such as Lauren's, but overall the show seemed really crowded on the walls and it was hard to focus on one piece. There was a pretty good musician playing while I was there though. (The Amboys.. which Jeff and I were going to name our band long ago.)

I went over to Chris's opening in Westby next. He had a good amount of wine so I had some of it. There was fruit too. I wish I just went there to eat. Alex made her dinner there.

His show had all of his final pieces next to initial sketches he did for them. It was a really cool idea and it shows off his talent and attention to detail. I wish I could paint.

Quizzo was interesting. We got a lot of answers, despite people taking a complete round off for some reason. We got it without 'em. I thought we did really well, but, alas, we did not win nor did we get close to winning.

I went to Kat's when I got back to celebrate Wednesday, which this week meant sitting on the couch, drinking two beers, then eating kettle corn to keep from falling asleep.

I left in hopes of getting to sleep early but ended up not getting to sleep for quite some time anyway. Oh well.

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