Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Apr 19, 2011

More presentations in History of Photo. This one seemed more like an advertisement for Kodak than an in-depth research project. At the end they just listed products that Kodak now produces and showed a video using a new waterproof video camera that one of their parents has. It made me make faces, but I asked a bunch of questions at the end and they seemed to know what they were talking about.

I tried my best to get the liquid emulsion to work during photo class. I applied it to the surface of the metal I'm going to use but tested it on paper first. I was having a lot of trouble with it which turned out to be because of the color negatives I was using. I have to change my approach.

Elaina met me at Saladworks for lunch and only got soup! We stayed there for a while talking about what we've been working on and music and other such topics.

When I went back to Westby I shot Corrie's products for the upcoming design show. I really like these bottles. I think they're my favorite of her pieces. The colors are great and they look really professional.

I went to the Student Center for food with Elaina and Christy later, stopping to take a shot of the Fagbug before going in. We got stuff from Prof's and sat downstairs, waiting forever for them to make it.

I went up to the pit after eating to see the Fagbug documentary. The doc is about Erin Davies, whose VW Beetle was vandalized because of her rainbow sticker and presumably her orientation. Instead of taking the word "fag" off her car, she took it on a tour of the country, filming the experience and getting people's reactions. She gained a lot of support and followers along the way.

Erin was there to tell a little more of the story and answer questions after the movie. She was funny and personable and had a lot of interesting things to say about her experiences on her trip and since then. Obviously the car has had a makeover since that time and she says she gets even more problems now, mostly from police.

Once she had answered questions and told a few more stories about her trips, the GSA presented a Fagbug cake and then cut it up to hand out to everyone in the audience. It was so sweet.

We got on stage for a group picture after that which took several attempts to get right. I talked to Erin for a few minutes about how her program has affected people as well as how she filmed the whole thing. She's a great, friendly person and really brave to do what she does.

I spent a couple of hours at Westby after all that fun and then got a job so I came home to try to get some sleep. Didn't work so well.

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