Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sep 8, 2009

I went to physical therapy for the last time in the morning. Now it will just be a blurry memory like this picture. It's funny that this was my last day since it was the first time my knee actually hurt when I left. I feel like it helped a lot but I think I'm well enough to keep exercising it on my own now.

I went for a run around the pond a couple times before Ryan met me there for a game. I had some incredible shots. I must have made at least three or four really long putts that I had no intention of even getting into the basket. It didn't help my game since my mid-range game was poor but it made me feel a little better.

I came home and watched Total Recall and The Matrix (again) for class. I was almost late to Russian again but I made it on time with my workbook that I got out of the mailbox right before I left for school. After that, I had Philosophy where we talked about the two movies we had to watch. It was a pretty productive class where I got away with not having done the reading.

After class I went over to Landmark and had a Blue Moon with Shannon and her friends until my team showed up for Quizzo.

The game is a little different than at Bennigan's but we did really well on the first two rounds. The second two we didn't do as well but I still felt like we had a decent shot. We didn't place but we have no idea what the scores were because they don't tell at any time. I don't like it there.

I had a really good day overall. I just felt really good for most of it.

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