Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sep 22, 2009

After canceling my job because I didn't feel well I spent the morning watching what I missed the night before: House, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother... then I went for a run because exercise almost always makes me feel better. And it did. For a while at least. I came home after running at Parvin's and watched Hilary and Jackie, the movie homework for my Philosophy class.

After Russian, I went to said Philosophy class and talked about the movie. We talked about the difference in perspective in the movie and how they show the differences between how each girl saw the events that took place. It really interested me and made me want to do something with the idea... but it didn't make me want to stay in class after the break.

So I joined Chuck and Diebra at Quizzo back at Bennigan's. I was there for the start of round one! We seemed to be struggling a little bit at times but somehow we pulled through and placed first. Well done, The Argyle Gargoyles.

I watched much TV today but it seemed like I had to rush to get everything taken care of. I procrastinate too much.

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