Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sep 20, 2009

I played a game of disc golf with Ryan in the morning. I did spectacularly terrible. Actually I think I just did really poorly on a few holes and really well on some other ones to even me out to just bad.

After the game I went for a run and then stuck around to take some photos for class.

I went to lunch/dinner at my mom's house with Sara, Devin and Aiden. We had pasta that Aiden enjoyed playing with as much as eating.

I came home and took some more shots for my photo project. I needed to have a good amount and I found some good things to shoot in the house.

After I finished, Ryan and I went to Heislerville and took a long walk around the area. We walked down a long, creepy bike trail that was just about as dark as the picture shows. We could see a lot of stars but seeing the ground was a different story. It was a nice change to walk somewhere different.

Slightly exhausting day.

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