Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nov 15, 2009

We started out pretty early and drove up to Tyler State Park to play the awesome disc golf course there. There were a few groups in front of us at first so it was slow going for a while. It wasn't long before we were spaced out enough that we didn't have to wait at all.

It seemed like it took a long time to do the course but it is 27 holes and some of them are long. We lost discs a few times too but we ended up finding all the ones that got away plus a couple more.

We took a break from the game towards the end to climb on the tires.

We also started looking for faces everywhere because we're doing a photo project with the idea. I saw one in this can handle.

After the game, we put our discs back and headed out with our cameras for a hike. We found a much better trail than last time I was out at this park. We walked along the stream and in it for a time.

There were some fallen logs and other things to walk across. I didn't have any problem getting across them this time. I guess it was just a bad day for me when I went hiking with Ryan a few weeks ago.

After we got away from the stream and through the woods some more, we came across a corn field where we took more pictures. The sun was setting and allowing for some really good shots. We made our way back to the car just as it was getting too dark to see where we were walking.

After I dropped Joanna off at her place I headed home. I hung out at Katie's for a while and found this face in her phone.

After a tiring day, I came home to try to sleep..

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