Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Nov 11, 2009

I met Katie at Kawa in the morning for sushi brunch before her class. We weren't there for very long but the sushi was good.

I picked up Joanna at Rowan and headed to Philly for photos. We went to center city and took some pictures of buildings for the "power" assignment.

We went to the Comcast Center and got some photos of the building and the fountain and fence outside. After we had a good amount, we headed back to the car at Whole Foods and got a brownie that ended up being just ok.

This was the best image I got and I used it in class after I did some quick editing. We went over everyone's assignments and talked about our final projects and the rest of the year before we left.

I had film class, where we watched The 39 Steps, a strange Hitchcock film. I wasn't really into it so I don't recall a lot from it.

I went to Shannon's to try to take some photos for my final project. My plan was to shoot just feet and body shots with no face or identifying features to make some kind of statement but I wasn't really liking how forced it looked so I plan to do something different. I went to the student center for a little while to hang out before going home.

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