Friday, August 14, 2009

Aug 14, 2009

I had therapy at 8am so I had to be up quite early for that. Apparently I've made enough progress that I didn't need to do electroshock anymore. I did the rest of my exercises and got out of there in time to come home and not be able to get Blink tickets because they sold out so quickly.

I wanted something good for breakfast so I went to The Looking Glass and got a breakfast burrito. I came home and ate it while watching 30 Rock. It was great and super filling.

Ryan called and asked if I wanted to do something so we ended up playing a game of disc golf. We both did really well but I screwed up what probably would have been my best game with a few mistakes. Still, Ryan tied his best game at +3.

Katie and I met at Looking Glass to have smoothies. Best smoothie I've had in some time... After that I got a shower and we went to Marlton to some stores. We got lunch at Panera Bread... the Mediterranean Vegetable sandwich is so good. Katie bought a purse that was way too much money and then we headed west.

We went into Philly to meet up with Chuck and Diebra somewhere.

When we found them we all had a frozen chocolate banana in Chinatown and then began searching for Mochi candy. We never found exactly what we were looking for but the things we did find that looked like they might be good were not. They were very bad actually. Don't buy Chinese candy if you haven't had it before. Katie got some sesame candy that was really good but the rest of us made some bad purchases.. and threw them away at the next available trash can.

We walked back to where we parked because we had to move our cars to new spots to avoid tickets. It took us a while to find another spot but we finally got one and went to Maoz. There was a big crowd in there so we got our food and went elsewhere to eat it.

We went back to the fountain on Second Street to eat. It's a good place to just sit around. The fountain is loud but it drowns out some of the sounds of the city.

I only got sweet potato fries but they were good. I washed my hands off in the fountain.

We came home shortly after eating. It was a nice night to walk around the city and enjoy some food and company.

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