Thursday, October 31, 2013

Oct 31, 2013

The day was pretty good teaching art to elementary school children. One of the classes didn't show up, and I only had a few proper classes so it went well. I was bored some of the time but had fun playing with googly eyes. I watched some Oz on my downtime and went home for my long lunch. I also hung up and spread out some work fliers in the teacher's lunch room so hopefully something will come of that.

After a little time at home I went to Alex's, dodging trick-or-treaters along the way. I drove her car for the next two hours north of Philly to the Gardenville Hotel, but not before the GPS took me to some guy's dark, somewhat creepy yard. The guy was very nice and out playing with his dog. He gave us directions down the road to where we were actually supposed to go. We got to the hotel, saw a line of costumed show-goers in line and decided to get a six pack of Sam Adam's Oktoberfest to pass the time until the doors opened. I only ended up having two and then we went in.

It was a small place, akin to a VFW hall where we used to have local shows. Tigers Jaw played first and they were really good. Unfortunately, the speakers were not cooperating and kept cracking over the vocals. I would definitely like to listen to them though. We went outside to cool down because that room got hot with all the people. It was a bit of a wait, but the vibe was so different from big shows. I liked it.

Circa Survive came out next, all in costume and smiling. Anthony is so happy all the time and just full of insane energy. They opened with Get Out and launched into an amazing set of songs I haven't heard them play in a long time. There was no barrier, so the crowd swayed to and fro as the makeshift security force held the crowd back. It was civil though. And Anthony kept diving into the crowd, crowd surfing, and holding the mic up to people to scream along with them. It was an awesome, insane, frenetic energy the whole time. He kept saying how great it was to play that show and they missed small shows, and that didn't seem contrived in any way. I love those guys. It was so good.

We had a long ride home ahead, but it was enjoyable. We were still pretty hyped up from the show. Hyped and sweaty. We made it home without falling asleep, which is always my goal while driving.

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