Monday, October 28, 2013

Oct 28, 2013

I was in for my favorite Spanish class at Lakeside today. Not really. I don't know what it is about this particular class, but no matter what year it is and what new students come through, they always seem to be the worst classes. I have been there when the teacher is in the room and the kids are still being assholes, so I'm guessing it has something to do with that. In any case, they had work to do, and they didn't want to do it, so I had a fun time moving people around and yelling at them to get back to work. Happy Monday!

I spent the night online, some parts wasting time reading random things, looking at videos, and stumbling, but I also spent some time researching which lens I want to buy and deciding I want the most expensive one that will hopefully last me a very long time and get great shots. I also spent an hour or so watching an online engagement photo critique. It was really interesting and informative hearing critiques of others' work that I think could help inform my own. There were some really awesome shots on there too. I want to watch more of the tutorials and crits they have on there. That was really my night, and I'm okay with that.

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