Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Oct 8, 2013

I woke up in the night feeling strangely dizzy and disoriented. I was worried, and I don't get worried. I went back to sleep hoping that would fix it, but I still felt that way in the morning. I decided to push through it and go to work without eating anything. I just drank a bunch of water. Once I got to my car, I threw up, prompting me to think I'd stay home, but once I came inside I felt better so I went for it. I started feeling bad again and awkwardly sat through my first full English class, looking and feeling like I was going to vomit at any moment. I ate a banana, but it didn't help. Eventually, I slowly started feeling better, and by midday I was back to normal somehow. I have no idea what that was or why I felt it.

I felt good enough to take a half day job at Alternative School. I was an art teacher, which is about the same as the other jobs at Alternative but even easier. They just drew and worked on previous projects while I looked over them and casually browsed the internet. When I got home late I spent the night watching Brew Dogs and hanging out until bedtime.

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