Thursday, October 17, 2013

Oct 17, 2013

I worked a Special Ed math class at Memorial during the day. It was an interesting day, as I had another teacher in there with me who had no idea how to do basic algebra, which is what the students were learning. More than once she explained something incorrectly to the student and I had to go tell them the correct way. She was also trying to look up how to do it on her phone and sneakily come back with the answer. It was bizarre, annoying, and quite sad. I had a good time working with the students on the algebra though. I always enjoy math classes.

I had last block off so I left early and went to the Vineland Board of Ed to drop off my physical form and find out my next step. The substitute coordinator seems to be impossible to get ahold of. She never answers her phone and I was there about a half hour before she left for the day and the secretary said she was on her lunch break. Then she looked at me weird when I thought that was odd. Anyway, I was told I'd have to wait for board approval, which I already got, and then I awkwardly left. Thanks for the help. On my way home I picked up Dave and Chelsea's pictures at T & F. They look good printed.

I met my mom, Sarah, and Aiden at Kawa for dinner for my mom's birthday (only two weeks late!) We had a good dinner of sushi and beer that I got for my mom to try. She wanted a mixed six pack of different styles so she could find out what she likes. She liked the stout a lot and, predictably, not so much the IPA. It was nice trying them with her though and we had a good time talking.

After dinner had settled a bit later I decided it was time for a neighborhood run. I ran 5 miles after initially feeling like I wouldn't make it much farther after the first. I love the boost I get in the middle of a run. Sometimes I feel like I could just keep going. It's been a while since I have just kept going, but I need to do that again. Time to get back to long distance running and running more often in general.

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