Thursday, October 10, 2013

Oct 10, 2013

I had a history job for Memorial in the morning. I just showed a video for most of the class. I was supposed to travel to the senior high for the last block of the day, but I got a call telling me I was taken off because they still don't want me to work there after the "incident" last year. First, it's shitty that it's still a thing that I can't work that after that bullshit happened, and second, it sucks that I was able to take the job and then get screwed in the middle of the day because of that.

After I finished my half day I went to the doctor in Vineland and got my physical taken care of for employment at Vineland Public Schools. The doctor had me in and out really quickly. He was a jovial and friendly guy so I enjoyed the visit. I came home and watched TV and had a nice nap to make up for some lost sleep from last night. When I got up I wanted to go for a run, but it was raining too hard. I had a couple beers and watched Big Bang Theory and then other shows before going to bed for real. It was a good night.

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