Monday, February 28, 2011

Feb 28, 2011

I didn't work in the morning so I met Ryan at the courts to play a few games of tennis. They were still wet from the last last night so it was slightly precarious whenever we stepped on the really slippery, wet spots. After the game we went over to the mall to get lunch at Saladworks.

I came up to school and got some things together for my sculptures and then met Christy in the studio to shoot. We got some really good shots in there and then I decided to start out an idea for another series.

I want to use small spaces and contortion to create interesting shapes with the figure and make unique poses. I put Christy in a cabinet, a trashcan and a filing cabinet drawer among other places and some of the shots were looking really nice. The cabinet was by far the best.

We looked around Westby trying to find other places we could shoot and I think we tried most of the possibilities before giving up until another day.

I met Shannon at Landmark for some drinks and to catch up since we hadn't talked in a while. We played musical bingo again and I had some Coronas. It was a good time.

I went back to Westby and worked on editing some of the photos from the shoot while Alex worked on Gallery stuff. I was there until late and then I came home and didn't go to sleep for a while anyway.

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