Saturday, February 5, 2011

Feb 5, 2011

I went to my mom's house in the late morning for a lunch of tortellini with alfredo sauce. It was quite good and we had a good chat for a while.

After I got changed and ready to go I went to pick up Katie* and went to New Delhi for lunch. The buffet was awesome again, as I expected and we had a window seat for a view of the rainy, rainy day.

I got pistachio ice cream for dessert and it was great. Once again, glad it was a small serving because I could have eaten a lot more.

We went over to her friend's apartment to hang out for a while and have some drinks. They were friends from work so the people they didn't work with slowly split apart from them and we started a conversation that we could all be a part of.

We walked a little and then grabbed a cab to get to the Troc for a battle of the bands. There were some really good bands playing. I thoroughly enjoyed them.

Some of the bands were instrumental, but they were equally good. Not a lot of people seemed to be getting into the music but I had fun by myself.

After the show we went to Sugar Mom's for a little while and then to National Mechanics. The latter was pretty fun because people were dancing and the DJ was good.

I walked around the city for a while, heading back to the car. It was a pretty nice night out to walk but it was farther than I thought. It was a fun night but I was ready to go home.

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