Thursday, February 17, 2011

Feb 17, 2011

Against my desire I went to History of Photo when the temperature was in the 60s outside. It was beautiful out. I was paying attention but I could see outside from my seat so it was a little distracting.

I went to the rec center with Lindsey and got a veggie wrap and a smoothie. I need to go there more often. We came back to the photo class and hung out while people learned to develop film. When they were done we looked through a few people's photos but didn't get very far.

The next class was about the same. We got to look through everyone's photos this time, but I think we all really just wanted to go outside. We only go out when it's cold and windy.. or the building is on fire.

Alex and I met Elaina and Christy at Saladworks for dinner. They're bringing back paninis.. but I never knew they had paninis to begin with. I got a salad with avocado and tortilla chips. Mmm. And a pickle. We went to a few stores after eating to look for things to wear to Alex's party. We didn't really have any luck but we stood outside of the Dollar Tree talking and admiring the detail in their logo.

I went to Heather's later to hang out with them. Kenney made some baked mac and cheese while he was drunk. It turned out good, but it could have been better. Not crispy enough.

Home. Work in the morning.

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