Monday, February 21, 2011

Feb 21, 2011

I had to get new tires put on my car because I got a stupid flat. I took my car to the tire place and then got dropped off at the gym for a workout. I ran back to the tire place when I was finished and they were all done with the car. Good timing and a good run.

I went up to school to see what I could do with my sculpture. I polished it down a bit to get some of the markings off of the one side and decided I liked the rough edge so I didn't grind it down. I looked into some other ideas for the steel and then just hung around Westby for a while.

I met Elaina at Saladworks for dinner. After much careful consideration of the menu, I got something new. It was alright, but there's a reason I stick with what I know I like. I wish they weren't as expensive or I'd go there all the time.

I came back for the Gallery meeting, where we went through the rest of the digital artwork to decide what pieces would be used in the publication. We actually got through it all pretty quickly and then we talked about some of the more logistical issues we're having with it.

I hung out with Kat and Heather for a while after that. They were applying for things and being productive while I sat and talked with them. I made some mac and cheese for everyone while laughing at Craigslist ads for photographers and models.

After some deliberation, I decided to drive home in the heavy snow. There was a ton of snow on my car to clean off before I could leave and the highway was terrible. It was unplowed and the cars were going really slowly in no set lane at all. It took an hour to get home and I saw a guy hit the guardrail after passing me like an idiot. When I made it back home I fell asleep watching House. Must have been tired.

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