Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Feb 23, 2011

Sometimes subbing is easy. Sometimes you have three classes full of annoying pains in the ass. Today was one of those days. It seemed like every class had their own special way of being annoying and, even with the promise of a movie after they finished their work, couldn't find it in them to just work calmly for a short time. It was a very long day and I was glad when it was finally over.

After having something to eat, I went to meet with Keith at Rowan. Our meeting took a while longer than expected. After that Alex and I met with Doc to find some extra work from core classes to put in the Gallery publication. That also took longer than expected. Eventually, after I moved some things around in my schedule, we got to shooting the work for the book. I had to stand on a wobbling chair but it got the job done.

I got to Quizzo a little late, but in time to get us at least one right answer on the first round. We played a good game, even though the last question killed us. Who thinks of banks and oil companies when you hears "richest companies in the world"? Either way, we were only fifty points out of first.

Chuck rode home with me so I didn't have to drive by my lonesome and it felt good to get home and go to bed after an exhausting day.

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