Sunday, April 4, 2010

Apr 4, 2010

It was such a gorgeous day I decided I should go for a bike ride in Fairmount Park. I had to stop at the art museum for Art History anyway so I took my bike along. I rode down the Schuykill Trail along the river. There were a lot of people out having picnics, rollerblading and just enjoying the wonderful weather.

Get ready for a lot of pictures of me! I rode all the way down to the Wissahickon Trail and headed down (and up) that trail to Forbidden Drive.

The trees that were blooming looked really nice in this area so I stopped a few times to get some shots.

I continued riding the trails for a while before I decided to turn back toward the city.

I went to Steaks on South for a veggie cheese steak and walked down to the fountain on Second Street where many people were enjoying their day, some more than others in the fountain!

I reluctantly headed home and away from the nice day activities. I met up with Katie at Larry's II and had some delicious Coconut-y oolong tea while trying to work on things and make flash cards for my Modern Art test.

I worked on getting a few more flash cards done before I called it a night and decided to wait until the morning to do the rest.

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