Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Apr 28, 2010

I came up to Westby a little early so I could precariously carry all of my works in to put in the BFA review. I had to show six works to be judged to be accepted into the BFA program.

After my final Art History II class (woo!) I went with Katie to Zizi's Vegan (or Amiani's, as it is called now) for lunch. We got vegan chicken cheesesteaks and brought them back to Rowan to eat for lunch.

I came to my last Photojournalism class a little late, where I gave my final presentation about my sister and Aiden. I don't know if it was as good as my slaughterhouse idea but Jerry seemed to like it. After we finished some other presentations, we got out early again.

I took some time and set up my sculpture final. I added a few last minute things and turned on the DVD. It's supposed to represent me and the most important things about myself. The video screen had rapidly switching images to show my constantly racing mind, the iPod was over my heart, the camera made one of my hands and pens made my other one.

The Sculpture class came up and looked at our final pieces. Joanna used a camera under a cloth that we had to focus on images that represent her on the wall. Both of our pieces went over very well.

We critiqued the box in the Sculpture room also. It was one of my favorite of the year. There were candles all over and each person that entered had to hold a lit candle as well. All of the thumbprints on the wall represented 64 abortions that would occur any given day around the world. The warmth in the box and the serious statistics made it a really interesting presentation.

Ryan and I met up later and did the Cub. It was a nice night so we wanted to take advantage of that before my trip. This is the wall jump portion.

I'm sure everyone wanted some more visuals of the Cub so here are a few. This is the wall climb. The awkward part is when we got to the top and had to squeeze through a small opening at the top of the wall.

The flip over the bar is always fun. I have a hard time regaining my equilibrium when I flip and then start running again. Ryan killed me this time around. I did a little worse than last time and Ryan made a new record with 4:03. I'm gonna have to work hard to beat that one.

We had a straight running race around the school, which was a good ending. I won that one by a second. I had to win at least one before we went home.

I went home and figured out what I need to do tomorrow and then got to sleep watching How I Met Your Mother.

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