Thursday, October 29, 2009

Oct 29, 2009

I didn't work but I didn't want to do nothing and I felt like exercising so I went to the gym and did a lot of running and then some weights. I need to do this more often.

I came up to Rowan and Mich showed me a spot nearby where there was a nice lake with some fall colors surrounding it.

I kinda liked the other side better where there was a stream and this sign that I really liked.

I came back to Rowan and took Joanna to Shop Rite to get foods for her gallery opening and then I had her drop me off at my class so I could go fail my test. Surprisingly, I don't think I failed but that doesn't mean I really knew anything. It doesn't help that it's in another language.

After not failing I walked to the High Street Gallery for Joanna's opening. Her dress matches the camera strap, almost like it was planned.. This is the big piece.

She and Eric had similar photos on display; she used shadows and he used close-up shots of mechanical objects and other things of that nature. There were some really good shots up, like the closest one here that uses the shadows cast through window blinds on a bulletin board.

Quite a few people ended up stopping by. We hung out, had some hummus and pita with apple cider and mingled. The two hours went by pretty quickly and we left for more activities.

We went to Rowan After Hours at the Student Center where I got a wax hand made by first putting my hand in extremely cold ice water then really hot wax. It was something. It hurt but the finished product was pretty cool and my hand felt really nice.

I painted a pumpkin to look like a penguin. I went over the pink part with white once we got some white paint at the table I was at. It's kind of funny looking but it's a pumpguin, what do you expect?

This was my favorite costume that I saw of the night. He lost the costume contest to a girl in a pirate costume. Get over pirates, already! Come on, look at all the detail in his costume! He clearly spent some time on that.

Finally, we got word that Ace Enders was about to play upstairs so I went up to see his set. There was a decent crowd there that knew his stuff.

He played a lot of his solo stuff that I don't know that well but he also played some I Can Make a Mess.. songs and Jeff Kummer joined him on drums to play "I Want to Hear You Sad"!

After a few more solo songs, Jeff came back out and they played "Ever So Sweet" and "Something That Produces Results." It was an awesome set and very surprising that he played several Early November songs. It was a lot of fun.

Joanna got to take a break from working just in time to miss all of the Early November songs. We got to use the photo booth though. I don't know why it's fun getting an instant strip of pictures of yourself but it is.

After we went to the cereal bar and I had some Cocoa Puff with milk and Joanna had some mix of Frosted Flakes and Lucky Charms with water.... yeah... she went back to work and I came home. It was a fun night.


Joanna said...

hahhahah mixing that cereal didn't even taste good so whateverrr.

p.s. i'm glad i'm getting work done... what is wrong with me?

D.M. said...

I was thinking that as I read your other comments.. i'm easily distracted as well... clearly. I can't sleep.. :(