Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oct 28, 2009

I had a job as a French teacher at Lakeside but when I got there they had switched me with gym class. I never actually accept the gym classes because there isn't much I can do in a gym class and the kids are encouraged to be loud and obnoxious which is what I try to stop them from doing most of the time. It's just not my thing. That said, it wasn't the worst.

I went up to Photo after work and we worked in the studio again. I got to be the test photographer. I learned how to sync my camera setting with the strobe flash we were using to keep things like this from happening.

I got to be the model for a few minutes as well. I'm fine with being on either side of the camera.

I started getting much better by the end of class. I would like to just have some time in there with someone to figure it out on my own. I think that's the best way for me to learn.

After class we had a picnic in one of the other rooms in Westby. We had grapes, cookies, cheese, hummus and chips. And Capri Sun of course.

Katie, Mich, Alex and I hung out in there between classes trying to relax a bit from all the midterm tension. It would have been fun to stay longer but we had to move along,

We watched 42nd Street in my film class. It was a pretty good film. I'm glad we have moved to "talkies" and are done with silent films and subtitles. We didn't get our tests back, unfortunately. I want to know how I did.

After class, I played some games at Ryan's house for a while and went for a walk. I am not good at hockey games.

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