Sunday, October 18, 2009

Oct 18, 2009

Katie came over in the morning and picked me up and we got on the road to D.C. with avocado, lettuce and tomato on bagels. It was a good breakfast.

We got to our train station and took some photos while we waited for our chariot to arrive.

I took photos, anyway. Katie mostly climbed on the escalator.

We went to the Hirshorn Museum first and checked out some of the new things they have there. A lot of interesting sculpture using human form.

There was also an interesting installation in the upper part of the museum that was mainly focused on the use of color. Some of it worked for me but overall I wasn't enthralled.

After walking around the Mall for a short time we decided to find a train to take us to food.

We found an Indian restaurant that sounded good so we made our way there. With lots of walking we arrived and were the only patrons. The food was amazing though and the walls matched my shirt. We spent quite a while there and then decided we should get going.

We stopped for some really good cinnamon spice tea that warmed us on our walk back to the train and we arrived at the Sixth and I Synagogue in time to find our seats before Andrew McMahon came out to his piano. The setting was beautiful.

Andrew played a lot of new Jack's Mannequin songs as well as a bunch of old Something Corporate songs, including a really old one, "Walking By," from which the title of this blog was taken. Just a fun fact.

Ben from Something Corporate played guitar with him on a few songs and did backing vocals. They played one of his songs also which was really good. Andrew was clearly enjoying himself as was everyone else there. It was a great show, he never disappoints.

The drive home wasn't too bad, just expensive. We stopped and got some potato wedges at one point. Probably not a great idea but they were good for a little while. It wasn't as late as I thought it would be when I got home but I was ready for bed anyway.

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