Thursday, October 8, 2009

Oct 8, 2009

I worked my last day in the English class this morning and the long off period in the beginning of the day was getting really boring...

So I went to play disc golf! I was by myself and I only played eleven holes but it was a good way to kill some time and be outside while it was really nice. I got some lunch before heading back and then finished out the day.

I got another call for alternative school so I had to take that. Same classes as Monday and the same horrible lesson plans (or lack of anything resembling plans..)

After work part two I went to Olive Garden with Chuck. We had the never-ending bowl of pasta. This is the end of mine. I got to the second bowl, which is much smaller than the first, and I could go no further. It was very good though.

We headed back to town and met Ryan, Carissa, Jamie and her boyfriend at the movies to see Zombieland. It was a lot funnier than I expected it to be. For some reason I started thinking it would be more of a scary-ish zombie movie but it was great. Go see it!

After the movie, I went to Katie's to try and help her with her homework. She has to make packaging for her product and her designs are amazing, as you can see. I think I'm hoping some of her talent rubs off on me. I don't think I helped her much, but I tried.

After it became clear that I wasn't going to be able to do anything I came home and went to bed.

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