Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Mar 23, 2010

I worked at Memorial in the morning for an Accounting teacher. It looked really nice out of the stairwell window so I grabbed this shot. I had travel/break time after the first class so I went home for a bit before I had to go to the Senior High for part two of my day.

I came to class after work and learned me some art history before more super fun exercises in Graphic Design. Like usual, I had to leave early to go shoot an event.

I went to Pfleeger to shoot the Stephen Lynch event with Heather. Chuck and Diebra came to watch the show as well.

Stephen Lynch came out and played to an enthusiastic crowd. He played a lot of hilarious songs that I can only assume were on a CD or previous special since people cheered when he described what they would be.

Towards the end of the show, Dave Berg came out to accompany him on a few songs and do a skit or three. Overall it was a pretty hilarious performance. I got some good pictures from the wings and the high seats and I basically just got to go for free since I offered to take shots. Win.

After the show I went right to the Sculpture room to start working on my box due the next day. I had to find some supplies and bring in some things to hang up.

I went out into the woods near Westby quite a few times to gather branches and twigs.

I brought them in to hang up all around the walls of the box to start closing in the space like a forest.

I dragged rocks inside and created a fire pit in the corner. I was tempted to start a fire in there just to be cozy but I was pretty warm from all the hauling and such.

I nailed up a bunch more sticks around the outside edges, hung up the tent zipper door, spread leaves all around the floor, added the log seat and lit up the lanterns and called it a night by 2am. Much earlier than I expected. It worked out quite nicely.

It was a successful night and a pretty fun/hectic day. More to come..

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