Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dec 9, 2009

We went to Philly in the afternoon to take some photos and get some things done. I found this face in a parking meter on South Street.

Joanna had to get calendars made for SUP Christmas gifts so we went to Ritz and she made two separate calendars for the two people who were getting them. We put in the order and then left while they were being printed.

We got food from the buffet at Samosa and sat outside to eat it. While I'm not always completely sure of what I'm eating, I know I like it a lot so I keep going back.

Full of samosa and various other Indian foods, we went looking for shots for our final projects. I liked several that I took of the ground around Philly. This one was a team effort but I think it came out nicely. After being delayed by a woman asking for donations, we went back to Ritz to pick up the calendars only to find out on our way back to Jersey that they had printed two of the same one so we had to call and scold them to have them correct it.

We were only about five minutes late to Photo class. It was the first time we'd been in the class for over two weeks. After we did our professor/course evaluations, we showed Keith our images and told him what we had planned for the final and spent the rest of the time looking through images and planning other things that have nothing to do with school.

In my last regular film class we watched Citizen Kane. It's a really good movie so it was a nice note to end the semester on but I wish we had done some kind of review for the final. I'm a little concerned about it.

I went to Joanna's after class, where we made some small plans for a little trip in the future and got some free pizza at Townhouses' community center. Most of the night was spent online looking things up to do when it's warm out again.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

hahahahah small plans for a little trip...