Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dec 27, 2009

I started the afternoon with dinner at my grandmom's house with some family. There was veggie lasagna, broccoli casserole and sweet potatoes. It was all delicious. I got to see Aiden for a while and talk to everyone else that I rarely see. This was a belated holiday dinner.

It was really nice out so I decided to take advantage of the weather by playing a few holes. It ended up being harder than I expected. This is hole 1. The water is usually back to behind the far trees. All the snow we got last week that melted under the tons of rain the day before really rose the level of the lake.

A lot of the holes were completely unplayable. Hole 9 was completely submerged but it looked really cool.

I skipped 6-9 and started back up on ten. I really like the view here from hole 7 though. Once I got back to 13 I decided to call it a day. Not only was there too much water to even walk through that one, there were paintballers playing on the next holes. It was still a nice short game.

Later on was the holiday party at Sam's house. There were lots of desserts and foods out already when we got there to snack on.

We all sat down for a proper dinner. Sam made vegan lasagna.. so amazing! Always. Diebra brought more pumpkin roll that was also delicious. Tooooo many desserts!

After we ate it was time for the swap. The idea is that you get a gift or you swap with someone else. The rules were a little fuzzy and didn't seem quite right since you had to choose to swap before you even opened a gift but it was interesting.

We went in the order of randomly drawn numbers. Katie got Jenga early on and there wasn't a lot of trading right away.

Nate and Ryan both got Snuggies on the first round, even though everyone ended up switching in the end.

My initial gift was a bottle of Jameson. After a bunch of swapping and making up rules to an already curious game I ended up with a Snuggie and who knows where everything else ended up with. It was somewhat entertaining at times but I think if we ever do it again the rules need to be more clearly established ahead of time.

Next on the agenda was game time. We played a game called "things." The idea is you get a category like "things you would never eat.." You have to write something on a paper and hand it in and once they're all handed in and read aloud it goes around the table until everyone's answer has been figured out.

It's a good idea for a game, it just took forever because we had twelve people. It was fun a lot of the time but sometimes it got redundant and we were all getting tired by the end.

I went to Katie's after the party so she could give me my birthday presents since she wouldn't see me before it. She got me a few things; a book by Augusten Burroughs that I had wanted and another book I hadn't heard of but it looks really interesting. She also got me some candle things that I needed and a sweatshirt. Thanks! After we hung out for a while watching Greek I headed home. Lots of food for one day.

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