Sunday, August 28, 2011

Aug 28, 2011

The rain had stopped by late morning and it looked like a beautiful day outside. You would never know we apparently came close to some kind of disaster. Alex and I went down to East Point, where I thought the roads would be flooded, to try to see any kind of damage. We saw nothing and the roads were fine. The waves were pretty big and the wind was fierce, but otherwise it was business as usual.

Back in Millville there was some flooding at the high school parking lot and across Wade Boulevard. This was the only real flooding I saw at all. I heard that a few people had some problems, but they seemed to be isolated incidents.

We came back and played the sports medley game for XBox. The bowling was fun once the sensor thing stated working correctly. The hurdles was cool too. I am undecided on how I feel about Kinnect. It's fun at times but I still like Wii better from what I've played.

My sister invited me over to play poker with her and some friends later on so I went out to a barn on Carmel Road and we bought in for more than I hoped to be spending. There were also about ten or twelve people playing and it seemed like they played often. I lost on the first hand and ended up buying in again after a while, playing up and down a bit and eventually losing again. Gotta get some money before I do that again. Or get better at poker.

I came home after my loss and doctored my toe that I smashed on something in the dark on my way to my car as I left the barn. It was really nice out, but my toe suggested I not go out for a walk or anything.

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