Saturday, August 13, 2011

Aug 13, 2011

Jeff picked me up in the morning and inquired about which disc golf course we'd be playing at. I said we should go to one in Delaware since I haven't been in a while. It was a beautiful day.. until we go to to the course. We played about four holes before it started thundering very loudly and drizzling. We got back to the car just in time for it to start pouring.

We went to the Iron Hill Brewery for lunch to wait out the storm. I got a really good house made veggie burger and tried some of their beer. Good stuff. We were there for a while and then headed out where it had cleared up again. We started off toward the other course nearby and no sooner did I say something about the weather did it start pouring once again. Like serious downpour, can't-see-in-front-of-you stuff. We had no luck. So we headed back home.

There wasn't much to do with the weather so I stayed in until later at night, when I went for a walk around town just to get out and listen to some music. The rain cooled things off a lot.

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