Sunday, August 14, 2011

Aug 14, 2011

Ryan and I went to the park in the morning to set up a training course in the pouring rain. With the Spartan Race only a month a way, we figured we needed to step it up a little bit. We planned a three lap course which put it at four miles, just as the race will be. We set up four stations, one of which was the brick drag that seems to be a popular event according to videos of other races.

We also did a marine crawl, which I'm sure will be much harder under barbed wire! The other stations were marine squats, which were hard on their own. My first lap I tried to pace myself, though I felt very exhausted for the second one. On the last lap I got a big burst of energy and half sprinted the course. I felt good when I got done and not tired somehow. I'm hoping something similar happens on race day.

After resting at home for a bit and showering the mud off of myself, I went up to Brian's for his going away party. He's going to South Korea for a semester so a bunch of us came over to bid him farewell. I saw a few people I haven't seen since graduation and others that I should have been seeing on the frisbee field this summer..

We played frisbee in the street in front of his house for a while and talked. Some people had to leave early, but when it started getting dark we found our way inside.

Katie brought the game Things, so after explaining how to play it a few times we got started playing some games. It was hilarious listening to some of the things people wrote. Basically, you get a category (like "Things not to say on an airplane") and then people write things down and one person reads them while everyone gets a chance to guess who wrote something. It got a bit repetitive at times, with "Brian Anderson" and "This guy's mom" being used often. Oh, and "Bear hunting."

Once the game died down we had some drinks and hung out upstairs talking for an hour or so before I wished Brian good luck with his semester and headed out. It was a fun night.

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