Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oct 13, 2010

A bus trip! To Eastern State Penitentiary. We all piled on the bus at eleven and headed to the city for a tour.

The prison is a huge structure that resides just outside of the downtown area, completely unassuming and hidden unless you stumble upon it.

We did an audio tour of the place with Steve Buscemi narrating us through the hallways. I liked looking into the rundown old cell blocks that aren't open to walk through. There were several artists' installations throughout the complex which I felt really took away from the historic feeling of the place.

The sliding cell doors were reminiscent of the ones I saw at Alcatraz except they were all independent of one another instead of on a system. These were build much earlier though. The audio tour was really interesting and informative. I wandered on my own, I don't think a lot of other people were listening to the whole thing.

I explored the outside area of the prison next, walking along the twenty-foot high, four-foot thick outside walls. At the baseball field, it said that when fly balls flew over the fence, they often got balls thrown back over that had drugs hidden in them. I guess there's always been a way to sneak things in.

Once the tour was basically over we had some time left so I went with Alex and Joanna to find some food. We found a place called The Bishop's Collar a few blocks away where Joanna got the best veggie quesadilla we've ever tried. It was great. Go there and get one.

Unfortunately I got this little veggie burger. This wasn't it. It was alright but it wasn't The Burger nor was it near as good as the quesadilla being consumed just a few feet in front of me. Joanna shared though.

We did Quizzo at PJ's since we missed it last night. It was a good game at first and we were doing pretty well. Chuck and I got crab cake sandwiches that were served on the smallest roll possible.

We did poorly in the sports round of course and Jeff became increasingly annoyed at the team right next to us who were making it blatantly obvious that they were using their cell phones to look up all the answers. They didn't win anyway which made us happy but the people who did win had such a ridiculously high score that they must have been cheating as well. Oh well.. I miss the Ben.

I came home and fell asleep watching Modern Family.

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