Monday, October 11, 2010

Oct 11, 2010

It was a great day for a run so I went to the course and ran around the pond first then I ran the first twelve holes doing push-ups, jumping jacks and sit-ups in rotation at each basket.

Kat called me and asked for my help setting up the Tunnel of Oppression at Rowan so I showered and went up to help out. They didn't need a lot of help setting up but I did what I could and volunteered to be an actor.

The Tunnel of Oppression is an experience where different scenes of violence, abuse and hate are acted out and show to get people thinking and talking about these important issues to help them realize that they are real and they actually happen here. Kat was portraying a victim of rape and abuse. She was perfect for the part as she is very dramatic.

I was made up and dressed as Mathew Shepard, the gay student who was beaten and left to die tied to a fence in Wyoming over ten years ago. His death has been a catalyst for hate crime acts and referenced often to display the cost of ignorance and hatred. I had an easy acting job.. I just had to lie dead on the ground with my hands tied behind my back.

The tunnel was dark and groups would walk through with a guide who would illuminate each scene as the actors played out their scene. It was pretty powerful and it really seemed to reach a good amount of people. Some left in tears. It's sad and horrible that these things really happen but I'm glad to help spread the message so people might think about it and realize the effects hate and abuse have on people.

After the tunnel was cleaned up, Jamie picked me up, got Jenell and went to the Electric Factory to see Jimmy Eat World. We got there about ten minutes before they opened with "Bleed American." Great timing. They were amazing as always, playing a bunch of new stuff and plenty of great old songs as well.

The encore started with probably my favorite Jimmy Eat World song, "23." I was very happy with the show and I got a ride home with Tracy who I ended up standing with in the middle of the crowd. I wish I could see them more often.

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