Monday, November 18, 2013

Nov 18, 2013

I worked at Lakeside for a science teacher today and this time we actually did get to watch Bill Nye. Those videos always help the day go by more quickly. I didn't have much trouble with the students except for keeping them quiet while the show was on. The second half of the classes I spent updating and reading while they worked on packets of work.

After work I met Kate for a round of disc golf. We started on the back of the course to avoid getting stuck behind the several groups on the front. I was playing very average, but I hit a few good shots. By the end of the game I was at +2 and not happy with my playing. It's also very unfortunate how little time we have after work to finish a game before the sun goes down. And soon enough it will be too cold for anyone to want to join me to play.

I'm not exactly sure how I killed the next 6 hours, but I know I spent almost all of it in front of the computer doing one thing or another. I did a lot of updating and going through photos, then I watched some Oz. Not a particularly interesting or exciting night.

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