Thursday, May 12, 2011

May 12, 2011

I worked an English class at Memorial during the day. We read/watched Romeo and Juliet. It wasn't so bad except for a few students. There's always a few. I haven't seen the movie in a long time and I didn't remember the cast being so good.

I met Chuck for lunch after work at Wildflower. The place is becoming addictive. The food is so good and so vegan.. I wish they were open more days.

I headed down the road and got a much-needed haircut after eating. For once I was actually pretty happy with the haircut I got. I'm the worst at describing what I want.

Joanna came down and we played a game of disc golf at South Vineland Park. I wasn't really feeling it, but we played through all except the last hole.

I came home and read for a lot of the night. I read through some of Demetri Martin's book, but I got tired of the format so I went to something with a story.

After reading I watched some shows until I got tired and went to sleep.

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