Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jan 4, 2011

When I finally got up I met Laura and Jess and went to FDR Park in Philly to take photos. We started off skating a little bit on the half pipe, realizing we're not very good. I haven't skated in a long time.

We decided to leave the skating to the people that know what they're doing and we'd just do what we knew how to.

We sat on the edge while a bunch of guys skated in front of us. They moved with us each time we moved around the park just to perform. That's fine with me, I was there to take photos of them anyway. I'd like to shoot with people I know sometime so I can get some better angles.

We went to Lorenzo's on South Street to get pizza. It was the only thing I had eaten so far so I enjoyed it. Healthy breakfast.

And healthy dessert. We got yogurt things at Phileo before we headed back to the car. I didn't get as much as Jess but I still wish I had gotten less.

We went to this old hotel on North Broad to get some shots and see what the entrance conditions were. I don't think I'd go in at night unless I knew what was in there. I'd like to check out the inside during the day though. It was still a really cool building from the outside. After we took a few more shots of the city we headed back home.

I met Jess and some of her coworkers at the Delsea to celebrate(?) their store closing. We played a bunch of music and they had some questionable food.

I spent most of my time playing the pinball machine because someone left a bunch of credits on it. It really just gives out free games though so I got to play a lot even though I'm not very good.

I came home and watched mostly Mythbusters until I went to sleep sometime before the sun came up.

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