Monday, December 13, 2010

Dec 13, 2010

I went to Westby early and worked on the website for a while until Shannon was done class and met me at the studio for more photos. We tried some different types of shots this time using the soft lights instead of doing silhouettes.

Shannon took some photos of me after she was done. I like being in front of the camera too. We ended up with a lot of good shots when we were done.

We had our last Gallery meeting of the semester and figured out what we needed to do over break. In Typography we made some final adjustments to our brochures and started thinking about adding color to them before they are due in two days.. hm.

I went home for a while and then went back up to Philly, walking the freezing cold streets to the Plays and Players theater. I stopped in Rittenhouse Square to shoot some photos of the holiday lights, making my hands feel numb.

1812 Productions put on a performance of David Sedaris's Christmas stories. Three separate stories were read dramatically by three actors. In between acts, a musician would come out to sing a Christmas song. The stories were quite funny, as most of his writing tends to be. It wasn't exactly what I expected but I enjoyed it.

I came home and wrote a paper as well as I could while I was so tired. I had my art history paper to edit, but I just couldn't do it so I set my alarm for early and went to bed.

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