Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feb 9, 2010

We got up early and went to Denny's near campus for free Grand Slam breakfast. It was delicious. Pancakes are awesome. We got a seat right away and we got served our food quickly so all around a good experience. Good marketing, Denny's.

I went home to get ready for work and got stuck in my driveway for about a half hour until my dad and some friends of his helped me dig/push it out into the street. I got to work a little late even after the 90-minute delay the school was on because of the poor road conditions. There was another teacher with me all day and the students were working on essays so I didn't do anything but work on my Graphic Design paper most of the time.

After work, which ended pretty early since I had last block off, I caught up on Monday tv and went to see my sister and grandmom for a short time. Later I met Katie at the Starbucks in Target for tea and I brought a smoothie.

We talked for a while about school and caught up on everything. I enjoyed this on the side of the cup because our classes for tonight and all day tomorrow were canceled due to the next giant snowstorm!

Joanna and I met Chuck and Diebra at Quizzo later since I didn't have class. It was good to be back at Bennigan's for veggie burgers, onion rings and trivia with Shakedown.

We did pretty well, coming in second out of six teams. Name all nine presidents who did not finish their term due to illness, death or impeachment. Go.

The drive back was similar to the ride home from Allentown the other night because the snow was crazy and the road wasn't even close to plowed. It took a long time to get back and my gas light was on the whole time, keeping us on edge until we got to the exit and the gas station. The snow is already piled up past my ankles and it's supposed to continue all day tomorrow.

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