Monday, February 22, 2010

Feb 22, 2010

I was up early and went to my Art History class late only to find out that it had been canceled and I forgot about it. So that worked out. I went and got vegan hot dogs and fries to bring back to Photojournalism class for our lunch. They were good. We showed our event photos in class but the discs we used to burn didn't have any information on them. I guess it's the program. At the end of class, we played Scrabble while looking at more images.

In Sculpture, I had to present on Christian Boltanski, an installation artist. To represent his type of work, I used clothing on the floor and blurred photographs to symbolize people who have died or gone missing and memorialize them in some way. The presentation went pretty well, I think. I like this artist.

The rest of the time in class was spent carving the final bits of plaster off of my snail to make him the same size at the wax one. It took a lot of time but it's finally the right size and looks very similar to my first one. Now I have to make a giant metal one..

I met Chuck, Jeff and Dan at my house for Argyle Gargoyle practice/drummer tryout. We played a few of our tunes and just jammed a bit on other stuff. It worked out really well overall. Dan picked up on the songs quickly and added his own style to some of them. We should actually be ready to play a show in a month.

Pulling out of the driveway, Dan slid in the snow and backed over the logs along the edge. He got stuck and brought his Jeep back to pull himself off. When that didn't work, my neighbor, who works for AAA, came over and tied a chain to it from his truck and yanked him back out. It was quite an ordeal.

I went to talk to my sister for a little while and had some food before bed. I tried working on some writing but didn't have any luck.

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