Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Sep 17, 2013

I worked at Lakeside and Silver Run for a music teacher today. I had been in for him before so I knew the drill. He never leaves enough information in the middle school classes to make it easy. We had to work through the technical difficulties. At the elementary school none of the lessons showed up which was fine with me because I just got to hang out and watch shows. I showed the classes Peter and the Wolf. I don't know if I haven't seen it all or if I just forgot that part of it was live-action. It wasn't a bad day overall.

I met my mom at Moe's for dinner. I got a bowl full of good stuff and we talked about my trip and things I am planning for the next couple of months. It's always nice catching up with her in person once in a while. We had a good talk. I feel like it centers me or grounds me or something like that even if we don't talk about my actual current issues. After dinner I met Kate for a quick game of disc golf at the park before going home and trying to catch up on sleep.

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