Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Oct 19, 2011

Another trail run day at Silver Run. It was raining, but I wanted to run anyway so I put my iPhone in a bag and went out. The rain was refreshing at times, but it made the path slippery in some places. I almost slipped and fell down a hill at one of the steeper sections.

Later I picked up Leah and we went to Olive Garden. We've been talking about it for a long time so we finally went! We had a good time catching up and eating much pasta. I got something different and remembered why I don't get something different almost ever. Stick with what I know is good.

It was the "championship" or something at Applebee's Quizzo and we were apparently already in first place. We didn't even have to play to win it. We played our best and ended up taking second place (for the night, still #1 overall) after a lengthy tie-breaker round at the end. Yeah! We get.. nothing. We don't get anything.

At least we have a chance to go to Vegas! We'd have to pay for travel and lodging though. I think we'll just keep going to Quizzo in Jersey.

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