Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Oct 12, 2011

Senior High meetings today. It was a fast-paced day most of the time. I had to sit in one classroom for an hour covering back-to-back meetings while we watched crappy health videos on VHS tapes that must have been played hundreds of times by the quality of them. I got a long break and was done shortly after that though. That's why I like doing meetings.

After a short nap Chuck picked me up and we headed to The Abbaye for their Oktoberfest celebration. There were a bunch of German beers and Oktoberfest-style beers on tap for the evening. We got into it with the Hacker-Pschoor and Paulaner, both of which I liked a lot.

We ordered the food that we had been looking forward to since we saw the menu go up a few weeks ago. Chuck and I both got the mushroom and gruyere strudel, which was as amazing as it sounds. It was flaky and delicious over butter rice with green beans. I want them to have this always.

Too shortly after eating it was time for the Das Boot competition, where you have to chug a boot full of beer. It was good beer so that was nice, but I'm not much of a chugger. They decided to time people individually this year. I got 19 seconds, but was soon knocked out by a guy who did it in 9. I got a free boot to take home though!

I photographed the rest of the competition. The winners got big boot glasses and gift certificates. And another free glass of beer. It was a fun contest, though not as fun as last year's when they had several teams continue competing.

We retreated to our table for the rest of the evening, trying out a few more of the beers on the list and getting an abortion shot, based on a recommendation from Diana. It was really good. Lots of good tastes for the evening. I chronicled the whole thing for my biggest post yet over at Beer Me That Blog!

Eventually we had to leave and head back home. We got a friendly visit from a police officer after Chuck took a circle at high speed because he didn't know it was there. Luckily, Chuck knew he was going to be driving so he kept his beer sampling to a minimum. He was let off with a warning to keep it slow.

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