Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jul 28, 2011

In this exciting day of life I decided I wanted to run somewhere different so I went to Parvin since I hadn't been out there in a while. It started to look like rain when I showed up so I grabbed a bag for my iPod and hit the trail. It never did more than drizzle as I ran and it was nice to have a set course of 3 miles so I knew how far I was going again and could pace myself. I stayed there and watch it rain in the lake for a while and trying to shoot it.

I came home and spent several hours reading, like I had wanted to do outside before it started raining. I met Ryan at the gym later, where we did a circuit workout with jump ropes, the kettle bell, and marine squats. Alone, those things might not wear you out, but when we finished the whole circuit of 25 minutes we were done.

I felt like going for a long walk later so I put in my headphones and wandered around town. It feels nice sometimes to just be alone with good music and thoughts on a nice night.

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