Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Jul 26, 2011

In the early part of the day I dropped my car off for an oil change that was going to take a while so I went to the grocery store with my grandmom and helped her with things. When my mom was off work, she and Larry met me at Texas Roadhouse for dinner. I got the shrimp skewers which are really good. And rice. Mmm.

After I picked up my car and went for a run, I got ready to go out and picked up Chuck and Laura and headed for South Street. We went to Copabana first because someone told Laura they had the best margaritas.

They were good margaritas, but I'm not sure what makes them the best. The menu says they are, but there is no source quoted. I think people say they're good because they have a lot of tequila in them. Which is a fair way to judge, I suppose.

We each only got one with our shaker of spare 'rita. Why not just put them in bigger glasses? Mysteries. That's part two of my SNL face, by the way.

We went to Manny Brown's for a few drinks on special and Laura was worried about someone getting offended/fighting her because she used the word "black." Silly white people. We went to Lorenzo's and each grabbed a big slice of pizza before going into Mako's. The bouncer sneaked us in with our food since we weren't supposed to have it. We got some PBR and put some songs on the jukebox.

Chuck talked to a fellow fan of Jonah after playing Gratitude and Laura and I sat by the jukebox being entertained by this guy who was thoroughly confused as to how to use the thing. He also put money in a couple of times and just walked away so I took that opportunity to play songs that I wanted to hear. We were at the bar for a long time even though I stopped drinking. The music was good so I was happy.

When it came time to leave, the bartender handed me a piece of paper instead of my card, telling me that she lost my card somehow. It was all a bit confusing, but I gave her my info and on the way home I canceled the card just in case. I assumed she gave it back to the wrong person and they didn't notice. Fun night.

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