Thursday, July 14, 2011

Jul 14, 2011

I went to Wildflower around lunch time with Chuck to get a buffalo seitan wrap. It was so good. The weather was pretty nice for sitting outside so we stayed there for a bit talking about the upcoming podcast we want to record. After I wasn't full anymore I went for a run around the river trail since I hadn't gone in a while. I'm going to have to get back into it.

I headed up to Seaside Heights a little later to meet Alex and her family at their beach house. We hung out at the house and I eagerly awaited the new Blink single to be played on the radio. I was unsure what to think on first listen, but I put off more listens for later and we headed to the boardwalk. We saw the Jersey Shore people filming. I didn't care.

We went to the ride section and watched Alex and her sister go on a crazy ride that looked like fun but cost way too much. Then we all got on the roller coaster. It was a short and somewhat dangerous, I thought. It was fun nonetheless. Funtheless.

They insisted I get some corn when we got off the ride so I didn't argue much. I got my corn and seasoned it with a bunch of stuff. It was perfection.

Alex and I left the group and went to a Tex Mex bar to get some appetizers and beer. We looked through the menu and decided to try a flight of tequila. I could notice quite a difference between the three types. I like the "gold" best I think. I didn't need to suck on a lime after that one.

We headed down the boardwalk and stopped for another beer at the other bar along the way. We weren't impressed with the crowd or the bar so we kept going and ended up at Captain Hook's bar near the house. They had good beer and a cover band. Yep, I did ask that guy if they know any New Found Glory songs. They don't. They did play "Bro Hymn" though. Surprising.

We talked to the band and had a few more drinks after the set. I played some songs on the jukebox that never played, but someone played a few Brand New songs before I left so I was fine with it. We headed back to the house and tried to get in quietly so we didn't wake everyone. Not sure how well that worked.

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