Monday, July 25, 2011

Jul 25, 2011

I spent some time during the day going through photos from the trip and editing them. I tried to get to the gym before it got too crowded. It wasn't so bad when I got there, but it started filling up quickly. I did several machine and pull-ups then a few ab things in the group room.

Later I went to see Horrible Bosses with Christy. It was hilarious. I'm glad Chuck undersold it because I thought it was great. I want to see it again. So let's go. We went to Chili's after the movie and got chips and salsa for checking in and ordered real food. The same thing I always get. I was so hungry.

We went for a night swim at Christy's. I miss swimming at night. I wish we still had a pool. It's really peaceful to float around in the dark.. or with a glowing floating thing. We stayed in there for a long time.

I drove my pruned self home after a few hours and had something to eat because being in the pool always makes me hungry. And tired. So I went to sleep shortly after that.

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