After a long, long hiatus I am going to try to daily blog again. Even if it's just for me, I would really like to have this record as I totally enjoyed being able to look back on my life in this way for the 4+ years that I kept up with it. It might change in style, and I want to keep it totally truthful as much as I can. Previously I would gloss over things like bad nights or times I had arguments with people. In continuing I want to be more honest like I would in a diary. I remember having a conversation with Joanna in college about me putting myself out there on this blog and she mentioned that it was a watered down version of reality. I had to agree, but I'm sure I argued the point.
When I went to work yesterday morning at Silver Run I sat in the break room and looked up this blog to find a photo of the Grand Canyon from last time I went. Becca is going there for this weekend and I wanted to send it to her. I thought it was a fun coincidence that I happened to look at this blog for the first time in years on the anniversary of the day I created it back in 2007. So that, along with my current desire to get back into writing and blogging, inspired me to start doing it again. So here goes.
I worked Child Study Team meetings at Silver Run with a somewhat strange schedule. I almost left during a 45-minute break, but something kept me there and I ended up being needed anyway. The office staff at Silver Run are grumpy and not at all helpful. I asked about a teacher's whereabouts since I needed them for a meeting and they didn't even bother trying to help. Once I found out she was on break I took off for my hour-and-a-half lunch break. I hate people that can't be bothered to do their job. Anyway, on my lunch break I was very productive (relatively) by booking a vision and dentist appointment, finally sending in my license renewal form, and working out some photo packages for a possible family shoot I'm doing this weekend.
After work I had hopes of being productive, but it was cold and gray and I was lazy so instead I just came home and ended up downloading and watching two episodes of Westworld while I ate dinner and browsed the internet. Among other things I looked at the Reddit post that Chuck made yesterday from a conversation we had over text comparing Donald Trump to Kramer and making Seinfeld references. Someone posted "This is two people who think they're funny" as a comment. I thought it was hilarious since that's basically the title of our comedy videos, Don & Chuck Think They're Funny. Moving on.
I came to Becca's for the rest of the night and we played Mario Wii for a while and then watched the last two episodes of Master of None. I really like that show. It makes me laugh, but it's also really poignant and well-written. The last episode was pretty serious and strangely emotional. It reminds of Atlanta in a way. So many good shows out right now. After that it was early bedtime because Becca flies out in the morning heading to Arizona! End Day One of the Stories Unfinished Renaissance.
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