Monday, December 12, 2016

Dec 12, 2016

I worked at Memorial as the same English teacher from last week with the same classes and the same instructions. This time I brought movies to influence them to do their work. I told them we'd watch the movies if they all finished their work. None of the first two classes accomplished getting all the work done, but they all worked and handed things in which is an improvement. During the third block with the other teacher I didn't need to do anything and we watched Finding Nemo for a little bit after lunch. Not a bad day.

During my downtime I had sent a few emails about setting up interviews and Lucinda Grange got back to me quickly about doing the interview tomorrow. I got to work planning the whole thing and then left school to get a haircut. I finally decided to go for something different I've wanted to do for some time. I ended up liking the result. I spent the next few hours at home doing some research and getting my gear together.

I went to Ryan's later where we decided to play through the full Goldeneye game. We got a few levels from the end before we were tired and decided to save the rest for later. I went to Becca's afterward to catch up on the Walking Dead winter finale. It was a bit of a disappointing episode, but they seemed to try to cram too much into it and make it more dramatic than anyone really could care about. The show has become weird. Becca and I talked about some future plans and then I headed home to attempt to sleep.

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